Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Updated post in 2017 when I realized my BevMo! images were no longer there since they deleted the amazing blog I created for them. waah.

Jameson, Ginger and Lime
I've been pinning and promoting Irish cocktails, food and treats all week. I feel like I've done St. Patrick's day for about 10 days now.

There is one recipe that has been on my mind.

The shamrock shake. Dang you McDonald's.

I found this knock-off recipe on Real Simple. I'm pretty sure some ice cream is in my future.

Don is not a big fan of corned beef and cabbage, which is a bummer. I love it. He hates it. The mere thought of boiled meat and stinky cabbage makes him shiver. So if I want it I'll have to go somewhere else to get it.

I really don't want the house smelling like cabbage anyway. Plus now that I really think about it boiling meat is pretty gross and weird.

Here are some of the things I've seen this week that look really yummy. 

Guinness, Whiskey & Irish Cream Cupcake from Brown Eyed Baker
Midleton Mule with Jameson

What are you making? 

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