"No, it's nothing." I replied, without really thinking about her question, or my answer.
"Ok. Well then what does it mean?" she asked.
"It doesn't mean anything." I answered, in my typical, tired, frustrated with her random questions tone.
"What are you talking about, anyway?" I asked.
"Never mind." she replied.
Then I saw all the tweets and stuff about Google +1.
Now I know what she was talking about.
Why did she know about this before me?
Well, technically I did know about it. Sort of. I noticed a weird box with a +1 underneath my posts. I didn't know what it was. And my incredibly inquisitive self ignored it.

I would make a lousy detective.
So what the hell is +1?
Now I want to know.
Especially after I saw a bunch of tweets from people saying they had been invited by Google to try it.
I want to be invited too.
I seriously clicked right over to GMail to see if I had an invitation.
Yo, Google people, you can stop laughing. It could happen. SHUT UP.
No invite. (duh.)
So I did what everyone does when they want to figure something out. I Googled it.
And, aha, they (Google) have a video which explains it. Shocking, I know.
Basically, if you like something they (Google) want you to click the +1. It will record all your likes by tracking your +1's. Somewhere. Not sure where. But somewhere.
I don't know. It's a brainy Google invention.
That's it.
Kind of a let down in my opinion.
I think the Google peeps need a tougher assignment. It's called +ME.
I'm looking for a high paying job in SF in advertising or marketing. The +ME app will be similar to LinkedIn. But not really.
By clicking +ME my blog is sent into the blogosphere to all the hiring guru's looking for a mktg/advertising whiz. They (the universe) will instantly see my blog and resume. They will take one look and hire me on the spot.
Which is then celebrated with a +H5 (HIGH FIVE.)
Oh yeah.
Yo, Google. You up for the challenge?
ps. It's highly possible I have the whole +1 thing all wrong. I was only half paying attention to the video. I'm sure we can straighten it out in the comments below. Feel free to leave one if you have more details.
I found this highly educational. I especially like the +H5 which I would giddily +1 if I paid enough attention to be aware of it.
ReplyDeleteDoes this not sound like Big Brother?
I just clicked the +1 at the bottom of your post to see what would happen. Not sure if I really "get" it either.
ReplyDeleteI was just asking on Twitter last night what this was. I thought it was more than that - sort of another social network. Sigh. I can't keep up anyway.
ReplyDeleteVisiting from TRDC.
I've seen it, but didn't know what it meant either. Thanks for doing the research.
ReplyDeleteI like what you added - the +ME, but even better the +H5. I think the +H5 is the winner & we should all have one. Get on it Google!
I've also heard about it on The Twitter, and now i know what it is! I like your idea better, anyway!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't it also raise you up in the search list? So that's nice. I plused one you. It sounds like I'm inviting you to a party.
ReplyDeleteWell, thanks to Chris Brogan I got some more info on Google+. It is going to change Social Networking. I have no doubt about that.
And of course I did apply to be part of the test program.
Here's Chris's take on what he thinks Google+ will become. http://www.chrisbrogan.com/ad-free-google-plus-50/