Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hello there!

Sorry I've been M.I.A. I'm on day 12 of the cold/flu bug and I'm finally feeling better. My horrible cough is almost gone. I don't need triple doses of Advil to get rid of the headaches. I'm starting to feel alive again. I just couldn't deal with the blog when I was sick so I kind of just let it sit for a week.

Speaking of which, what to do with the blog.....

I've been trying to figure out what to do with this silly blog of mine. I've had a lot of fun writing it. But sheesh it takes a lot of time and energy. Maybe I'll feel differently after I've hired someone at work and don't feel so exhausted every day.

All I know is that it's not a good thing to spend a lot of time on something that annoys the heck out of Don, and I only have a handful of readers. So basically I'm writing for myself (and my mom.) That doesn't make much sense does it? Maybe I just need a diary. Then I can really write down what I feel and there won't be pressure to publish something new - for myself. As I write this I'm really starting to think that I have a few screws loose. I think I need to reconnect with the world in a real way.

Yesterday we spent the day at Pollin's, our store in Napa (pictured here.) I love our store and want to spend more time helping to build sales. I just can't do it all. Or at least that's how it feels. So maybe I need to redirect my energy and write a blog that ties in with our business. hmmmm

Sigh...........All this thinking for the past two minutes has given me a headache.

If you want to read a fun and interesting blog check out The Pioneer Woman. She's amazing. She lives on a ranch outside of Tulsa, home-schools four kids, cooks, writes, takes amazing photos and never complains. I wish I could be like her. I definitely need to lighten up. I've turned into miss cranky pants.

So if I do come back I promise to be full of smiles and happiness. No one wants to follow Debbie Downer. And if I don't come back, enjoy TPW. She's the best.

Enjoy the holidays!  Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!!

Your friend,


  1. I love your blog and will really miss it.........but it sounds like you need a break..........take some time off and I'll just wait until you give me the hi sign to tune in again.
    You have a wonderful sense of humor.........I'll just sit here and wait.
    Your faithful follower........Mom

  2. Hi Kris-
    It is that flu bug. Give yourself some time. You are usually such an upbeat person but, between the flu and the holiday stress, you have worn yourself out.
    If you leave, I will not know what wine to pick with dinner. I am not good at picking, and look for wine you thought was good when I go out. You have not failed me yet!

  3. are on to something with the business tie. Don't lose the friend just morph a bit

  4. Thanks for the nice comments. I think I will just take a little vaca and see what happens in January. 'Cuz I still have a lot to say! My little pea brain just can't manage it all right now. ha, ha.

  5. I'll miss it Kris! I hope you do come back in the New Year. I understand though, it is a lot of work.


Thanks for your feedback!
