Thursday, August 20, 2009

What were they thinking?

I love looking at food photography.  All my favorite cookbooks have pictures of the food.  My favorite food sites all have amazing food photography.

And then there was this in the paper last Sunday.
Spanish-style sausage at B44.

Now, sausage can be tricky to photograph. But when Don flipped to the section and said, "Wow. It looks like a plate of beans and a turd!" What?? I take a look, and he's right.  Oh no. This is not good. Especially since we know the owners of the restaurant. How could they let this happen?

I think the Chronicle owes the restaurant an apology and a do-over. It's a great restaurant, with great spanish cuisine.  This photo is not going to get people to want to eat there. I guess I'm not helping by showing it again either. But sheesh. Really???? This is the best they could do?

B44 Restaurant in San Francisco. Here's a picture of one of their specialties. Now this looks better.

The sausage photo was taken by Peter Desliva. Special to the Chronicle. Shame on you Peter.

1 comment:

  1. Sausages are hard to photograph because of the turd factor or other, ahem, factors!:) When I worked at Best's Kosher, we had whole days spent at the photography studio trying to get one hot dog shot!


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